As we speed into a brand new decade many of you are now turning attention to recruitment and the anticipation of new starters in January 2020, to help you get ahead of your new starter bursting in the door on Monday 6 January, we have put together our simple new starter checklist for you.
It is often true that once the recruitment process has finished, it can be easy to overlook the next steps in the set-up of your new starter, it is crucial your new starter receives a fantastic “onboarding” experience as this ensures a lasting impression, settles them into the business, their role and forms part of the psychological contract.
The steps below will assist you and together form the key essentials that your new starter should have, you may have additional documents within your workplace, the lists below depicts the key essentials.
List A – Should be requested and ideally obtained (where necessary) prior to the employees start date:
Offer of employment letter (your offer should be subject satisfactory references);
Right to work ID requirements;
Fair Workers rights advice including ID requirements;
Young worker employments right document (if relevant);
Privacy Notice;
Induction planner (where possible it is ideal to send prior to start date); and
Request for referees.
List B – Provided on employees first day:
Opt-out of the working times regulations document; and
Holiday request form (including calculation for the year prorating this where necessary).
New starter form – including:
Bank details;
National insurance No;
Pension details; and
Emergency contact details.
Other key essentials:
Previous P45;
Benefit entitlements;
Expression of wish;
Uniform orders;
Equipment logs; and
Training costs agreements.
Finally, but absolute key essentials:
Copy of Employee Handbook; and
Employment Contract and or Apprenticeship Agreements.
Where possible it is a good idea to present all of the documents in one “New Starter pack”.
When considering the induction stage. It is essential that you engage with your new starter prior to their start date by planning their induction ahead of the start date where possible and also sending an induction planner, this demonstrates commitment to development and of course planning, a call to them is also worthwhile.
We have fully comprehensive and detailed checklists, hints, tips and ideas, please contact us for more information, remember induction starts once your new starter accepts the position, our checklists have detailed and fully comprehensive information that you can use to engage and interact even before they start with you.
If you require any assistance with the relevant documentation above or would like to understand more about the documents that your new starter requires please do not hesitate to contact us, we would be more than happy to assist, please remember that in line with the “Good Work Plan” 2020, employment contracts will need to be issued on day one.
Author – Fran Crossland of HR and you