Dress Codes at Work – Our Handy Tips

Dress Code Etiquette

You probably want to set a standard in your workplace in terms of dress code whether this be formal/relaxed or Smart casual. By setting a standard with your team it will ensure that everyone knows what is expected of them.

You would need to add a policy into your Employee handbook.








Things to consider when doing so:

Remember to cover:

  • What you expect the style of your Employees to be eg; relaxed/formal
  •  Ensure you cover appearance eg; clean, tidy and presentable
  • Where your team are expected to wear a uniform and or badges cover this area too, this includes the need for PPE. (Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992) https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/1992/2966/regulation/4/made
  • Ensure you include ethnic or religious groups and understand that they may be subject to strict religious or cultural requirements, or may have particular religious or cultural preferences, in terms of their clothing and appearance and that you recognise the diversity of religions and cultures.
  • Finally, ensure you include acceptable levels of personal hygiene. This would include, body odour, dirty or stale-smelling clothing, dirty hair or bad breath– this can be a difficult area to manage at times.

We can assist you draft your policy documentation and provide you with any guidance you may need, get in touch today; as always we are more than happy to assist you.

O1254 467156 or email us at info@hrandyou.co.uk

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