Managing Redundancies Part 6 of 7

  Making people redundant is never easy, the current climate may leave you in a position where you need to take the decision to initiate redundancies in your workplace, in our series of 7 short videos we will explain how you should manage the process. How much will you have to pay your Employees   […]

Managing Redundancies Part 7 of 7

    Making people redundant is never easy, the current climate may leave you in a position where you need to take the decision to initiate redundancies in your workplace, in our series of 7 short videos we will explain how you should manage the process. Support your Employees and Plan for the Future    […]

Issuing Employment Contracts

Is it right I should be issuing Employment Contracts?     From April this year (2020) and in line with The Good Work Plan the law says that every worker should have a contract of employment from day one. In fact, you can be fined up to four weeks of their wages if you do […]

How to deal with Resignations and Exit Interviews

How to deal with Resignations and Exit Interviews In the HR world we deal with resignations regularly, reasons can vary and over the years I personally have heard some very inventive resignations which are true and in some cases bizarre and whilst most people do leave on good terms there may be occasions where they […]

What does the Three- Tier Coronavirus System mean to you and your business

    With the announcement of the new lockdown rules yesterday using the three-tier coronavirus restriction system  we bring you an overview of what Boris said in his announcement and how it may affect you from Wednesday 14 October:   What is the new Three-Tier System?   Tier 1 Medium This will cover most of […]

What does the Three- Tier Coronavirus System mean to you and your business

  With the announcement of the new lockdown rules yesterday using the three-tier coronavirus restriction system we bring you an overview of what Boris said in his announcement and how it may affect you from Wednesday 14 October:   What is the new Three-Tier System?   Tier 1 – Medium This will cover most of […]

COVID19 – Recovery Plan

COVID19 Recovery Plan – We are here to help you This recent week has been an unprecedent time for businesses in the UK, with significant changes to everyone’s lives along the way. We fully back the statement from Boris Johnson this week when he stated that the “UK can turn the tide of Coronavirus in […]

How will Boris tackle HR in line with his future plans

As Boris assumes his seat firmly in No10 we take a look at what the future holds for HR It does appear Boris has a lot on his plate at the moment, when Mrs May passed her lengthy list of tasks she also handed over workplace policies, one of these was the “Good Work Plan” […]