Shout! about the Shout Expo

We were at Shout! Expo on Friday! We hope we got to see you, and if we didn’t, we’d love to see you at one of our other expos this year. We’re visiting Best of Bolton on the 6th of October, and we’ll be at Shout! again in November, so keep an eye out on […]

The end of the furlough scheme – What happens next?

The end of the furlough scheme – What happens next?   As so many of us are aware the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), commonly known as Furlough will end on 30 September 2021, this was announced in the March 2021 budget.  Continuing in September, the government’s contribution will remain at the reduced level of […]

The Unexpected Truth About Unlimited Paid Holiday

Unlimited holiday. It’s the dream, right? When we first heard about the concept, as part of Netflix’s bonus package, the team at HR and You were intrigued. ‘Wouldn’t people just go on whatever holidays they liked?’ we asked. ‘Isn’t it abused?’ Unwilling to let the concept go, we decided we’d do something a little different […]

The Employment Journey: We Are With You, EVERY STEP OF THE WAY!

The journey of the recruit is important to the employer as much as it is for the employee. At HR and You, we provide the services that sees through an employee’s work cycle, from start to finish. We cater to the recruitment process, performance management as well as the termination of employment. Breaking down the […]

How can you Support your Employees Mental Health During Coronavirus

  Your Employees may need additional mental health support during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, if they already have mental health problems they may be impacted more. In many cases, Employees may need support such as: Time off Reasonable adjustments   It is important that you are understanding towards the needs and concerns of your Employees, […]

How to manage Annual Leave during Furloughing Periods

Now the Government has extended the furlough Job Retention Scheme until 31 March 2021, we bring you full guidance in relation to Annual leave and what you can do to manage Annual Leave within your workplace over the coming months.   Does annual leave accrue during Furlough Periods? Employees placed on furlough continue to accrue […]

The Role of a Settlement Agreement and how they can help you

In many instances Business Owners and businesses are not familiar with the term ‘Settlement Agreement’, also known as a ‘ Compromise Agreement’, in any event many people have not had the need to use them, that is until 2020, where Businesses have found themselves in the unfortunate position of having to make roles redundant in […]

Managing Mental Health in the Workplace During Coronavirus

What are your responsibilities? All Employers have a ‘duty of care’ towards their Employees. This means doing all you reasonably can to support your Employees ‘ health, safety and wellbeing. This would include: Ensuring your Employees can work safely and healthily Protecting them from discrimination, for example making sure reasonable adjustments are considered for Employees with […]

Looking after your team’s mental health working from home

  With working from home now part of many people’s everyday lives, Mental Health, increasingly is a topic that we should be bringing to the forefront of our minds. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the usual support your team perhaps had access to in your workplace will not be as accessible or it may be […]

Time to plan the annual leave the 2022 deadline is approaching

It is now time to plan the annual leave, the 2022 deadline is approaching, in our latest article we revisit the carrying over of leave during the Coronavirus Pandemic, how that assisted you as an Employer, what the new legislation covered when it ends and what you should do now to ensure you are compliant. […]