The Disciplinary process how and what you should be doing as an Employer or HR

The Disciplinary process how and what you should be doing   We deal with issues daily, advising, guiding, and protecting Employers when things go wrong in their workplaces, in the main issues may not arise but when they do, it really is imperative that as an Employer or HR you don’t just understand the process […]

Employment Law Legislation reforms 5 December 2022 

Employment Law Legislation reforms 5 December 2022    Under new plans the Government will make flexible working (FW) the default, this will see millions of Employees able to request flexible working from day one of their employment as opposed to the current 26-week waiting period. The announcement of the new measures will most certainly afford […]

How can you manage Annual Leave during the Festive Period

How can you manage Annual Leave during the Festive Period   The festive period should be a joyous and busy time, people often want annual leave for shopping, school parties, or just to go out for the day with friends and socialise. But at the same time, your business needs to have adequate cover; business […]

As an Employer how can you successfully manage Sickness and Absence

As an Employer how can you successfully manage Sickness and Absence Along with the Commercial and Practical risk areas such as financial cost (sick pay), loss of productivity, and management time; there are key Legal risk areas such as discrimination, unfair/constructive dismissal, and breach of contract/unlawful deductions which as an Employer you should be aware […]

How should you manage Work Parties and Social Events

How should you manage Work Parties and Social Events?   As we head on into the festive season many businesses will be arranging parties and social events may be in or outside the workplace. HR and You Ltd offer many services and strongly advise to ensure to have all the necessary policies and procedures in […]

As the weather draws in how should Employers manage Winter Working

As the weather draws in how should Employers manage Winter Working?   As the weather turns, we take a look at how you can manage this in your business with your Employees. Winter can bring a decline in Employee engagement and workplace attendance for a number of different reasons.   How can the weather impact […]

How can you manage Probationary Periods with your Employees

How can you manage Probationary Periods with your Employees? As an Employer and employing people, we advise that you add a probation clause into their Contract of Employment, although, it is important to remember that an Employee with under 2 years’ service can still be dismissed using the short service dismissal and following your internal […]