Are your HR Teams in need of support due to Covid-19

With businesses now getting back on their feet, looking to a brighter and more positive future after well over 15 months of Covid-19, internal HR Teams and HR Leaders alike are facing increasing pressure to navigate the changing landscape, provide the strategies that are needed at an increasingly alarming rate, it has been well reported […]

Free HR Advice and Guidance from our Experienced Team

With the easing of restrictions and as we now head with speed to 21 June 2021, many Businesses will already be back to work and many of you will have opened up, if not then the June deadline is now fast approaching, we want to remind you that we are still here for you no […]

Supreme Court rules, Drivers are workers not self-employed

A case that we have been tracking for some time now has finally ended and in favour of the drivers with the Supreme Court ruling that Uber Drivers in the UK should be categorised as workers and not contractors. This judgement in favour of the drivers, upholds previous rulings, it means Uber drivers can now […]

Family Friendly Payments Statutory Increases – April 2021

In December 2020, the Government published the proposed Statutory Rates for Family Friendly Payments which include Maternity Pay, Paternity Pay, Shared Parental Pay, Adoption Pay, Parental Bereavement Pay and Sick Pay from April 2021. The Statutory increases normally occur on the first Sunday in April, which in 2021 will be Sunday 4 April. Statutory Maternity […]

What are my responsibilities as an Employer if an Employee catches COVID-19

The chances of you finding yourself with an Employee who tests positive for Covid-19 have now dramatically increased. The purpose of this update is to help you be prepared if you face this situation. As with all of the guidance with coronavirus, we need to remind you that these are unprecedented times, and it is […]

New Immigration Law – Post Brexit

Main Purpose of the updated rules: As the United Kingdom has now left the European Union. The Government has made changes to the Immigration Law. The new Immigration Law has begun to take effect from the 31st December 2020 and individuals who were a resident in the UK on or before the 31st December 2020 […]

Time to plan the annual leave the 2022 deadline is approaching

It is now time to plan the annual leave, the 2022 deadline is approaching, in our latest article we revisit the carrying over of leave during the Coronavirus Pandemic, how that assisted you as an Employer, what the new legislation covered when it ends and what you should do now to ensure you are compliant. […]

As an Employer, can I enforce my Employees to have COVID-19 Vaccinations?

NO JAB – NO JOB!!! Latest updates in relation to the NO JAB, NO JOB saga in the UK, It may be legal for companies to insist on new Employees being vaccinated as a condition of their employment, the justice secretary has now stated. In a statement, Robert Buckland said it was unlikely bosses could […]

Looking after your team’s mental health working from home

  With working from home now part of many people’s everyday lives, Mental Health, increasingly is a topic that we should be bringing to the forefront of our minds. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the usual support your team perhaps had access to in your workplace will not be as accessible or it may be […]