The Best of Bolton Business Show 2021

Did you see us at the Best of Bolton on the 6th? We were there from 1pm until 7pm, at the Last Drop Village Hotel & Spa in Bromley Cross. We had a wonderful time there and we are thrilled at the chance we got to get to know our neighbours in Bolton properly – […]

The Battle of the Recruiters: the 2021 Skills Shortage Explained

Struggling to recruit? Experiencing the squeeze of the skills shortage? You aren’t the only one – in fact, the whole of the UK is struggling to recruit right now, and the issue is leading to all kinds of shortages, logistical challenges, and business aim nightmares. But what’s going on? The Goods Shortage and Recruitment The […]

Ending of Furlough, What’s Next?

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) ended on the 30 September 2021. Employers must submit their September claims by 14 October 2021 and make any amendments by the 28 October 2021. Further detail on the Job Retention Scheme can be found on the GOV.UK website. During the Coronavirus Pandemic, many employers put some or all their […]

Shout! about the Shout Expo

We were at Shout! Expo on Friday! We hope we got to see you, and if we didn’t, we’d love to see you at one of our other expos this year. We’re visiting Best of Bolton on the 6th of October, and we’ll be at Shout! again in November, so keep an eye out on […]

6 Simple Ways To Support Mental Health at Work

Mental health at work; The 21st of September is the start of autumn here in the northern hemisphere. For many people, it’s a good time of year – a run up to Christmas with autumn, pumpkin spice, golden leaves and cosy clothes. For many, many people, however, it’s a time of year where their mental […]

A Study in Flexible Working; Thompson vs Manors

In this week’s latest news, we wanted to do a case study of a case that has recently closed – the decision on Thompson vs Scancrown Ltd T/A Manors (known from this point on as Thompson vs. Manors). We want to look at the evidence presented, the judgement made, and why any particular claim succeeded […]

The Joys of Parenting; Employment Rights

It’s September. The trees are just starting to go golden, pumpkin is back on the menu, and children are returning to school after six long weeks off to enjoy the sun and give their poor, beleaguered teachers a bit of a break from the “Miss, he keeps poking me!” and “She started it!” and “I’m […]

Religious Holiday Leave – 3 Essential things to Consider

A belated L’shanah Tovah! As of today, it’s the 3rd Tishri 5782, which means it’s the third day of the Jewish year. For all our Jewish readers, we wish you a wonderful new year. Gemar chatimah tovah! For our blog post this week, we thought we would look at the law surrounding religious holidays. England […]

The end of the furlough scheme – What happens next?

The end of the furlough scheme – What happens next?   As so many of us are aware the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS), commonly known as Furlough will end on 30 September 2021, this was announced in the March 2021 budget.  Continuing in September, the government’s contribution will remain at the reduced level of […]

Dressing for the Job You Want: Discrimination and Dress Codes

What flexibility do dress codes in the workplace have? In the second to last week of July 2021, the HR and You office saw temperatures above 30c, a sweltering ten degrees warmer than the average temperatures for July. This is becoming a somewhat common phenomenon – according to Weather Underground, 7 of the past 10 […]