The Duties of the Employer Everyone Should Know
The implied duties of the employer are terms in contracts of employment which are not specifically stated but which still form an important part of the contract. While many of the duties we describe are often implied, they can be clearly set out in a contract to avoid any future troubles or miscommunications, however it […]
Why have Employees quit in 2021
Why have Employee’s quit in 2021 This may be our last news article of the year, but it most certainly will not be one that we will hear the last of in 2022, we are taking a look back at why Employee’s have quit their jobs in 2021 and will continue to do so. This […]
Employment Law Hot Topics of 2022
Since the Coronavirus Pandemic businesses have been thrown into the new way of working, dealing with isolation for employees, furlough and the unknown of whether their will be another potential lockdown, whilst continuing to deal with workplace issues caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, Employment Law doesn’t stand still for anyone, so we wanted to […]
Explaining Objective Justification
While the law protects people from being discriminated against due to their protected characteristics, there are certain cases when discriminatory policies, criteria, or practices (PCP) may be lawful. Objective Justification is when a business provides a legitimate business reason for their discriminatory PCPs. In this article we will talk about what legitimate business objectives and […]
Hot Topics of Employment Law in 2022
Since the Coronavirus Pandemic businesses have been thrown into the new way of working, dealing with isolation for employees, furlough, and trying to manage the potential lockdown, all whilst continuing to deal with workplace issues caused by the coronavirus pandemic. Unfortunately, Employment Law doesn’t stand still for anyone, so we wanted to make you aware […]
Are Employment References always necessary
With recruitment at an all-time high now is the time you will undoubtedly have new starters joining you, which means you will be seeking references no doubt. If you do not do so already, we always strongly advise that you do take up references, regardless of how you view the candidate in the first instance, […]
Religious Holidays in December
With the wash of green, gold, and red, it can be easy to forget that December is not just for Christmas. Many, many people in the UK celebrate religious holidays in December, from Chanukah to Diwali to Yule. We thought we’d cover a few of the other holidays around this time and explain where they […]
The Self Certification Period Extension from 17 December 2021
The Self Certification Period Extension from 17 December 2021 As we now enter a period of heightened tension between the vaccination race and the fast-paced new Omicron variant, the Government has announced the amendment to the Statutory Sick Pay Regulations, with this amendment we see the change of the period for which an employee can […]
Immigration checks and getting them right in your workplace
We advise, assist and support clients in relation to Immigration checks and getting them right in your workplace, although we understand the requirements, the controls, and compliance, we know that at times Employers do not realise the full implications of failing to comply with the current legislation, namely, the Immigration, Asylum, and Nationality Act 2006’. […]
The Importance of a an Effective Induction in your Workplace
A great induction in your workplace should be the process of welcoming Employees when they first join. It provides you the opportunity to guide and support your new Employee, to share with them basic information that they will need to settle into their environment, the role, all with the minimum of fuss, we provide you […]