The Importance of a an Effective Induction in your Workplace 

A great induction in your workplace should be the process of welcoming Employees when they first join. It provides you the opportunity to guide and support your new Employee, to share with them basic information that they will need to settle into their environment, the role, all with the minimum of fuss, we provide you with a FREE Induction Checklist which is easy and effective to use in your workplace.


An effective induction should encapsulate the following:


  • It should help to familiarise the new starter with your business operations, this will allow them to settle into their role, in turn, they will become productive at the earliest opportunity.
  • You should establish your expectations, these should assist in helping your new starter to understand the culture, the behaviours, and attitudes that are expected from them.
  • Ask for their feedback, understanding, and whether they have any questions, and or concerns, you should do this regularly; this will reduce the risk of new starters resigning in the first few weeks/months.
  • Ensure your new starter has a training plan, with reviews planned in, it is also prudent to offer a buddy/mentor to assist in this process in the early days.


Your new starter should first be introduced to their Line Manager, who should then provide them with a welcome, an overview of your business, your operations history, (products and services, office locations, internal departments, etc) you should cover a description of your structure, this should include who the new starter will be working with, for example, which team.


If you are a larger business you may want to then hand it over to a Supervisor for a more detailed induction with regard to operational matters, such as:


  • The completion of any outstanding documentation, this may be HR related, or H&S.
  • An introduction to the new starters team, including a meet and greet, how the department is structured, what to do, and not in any given circumstance.
  • A tour of the office environment, and the building.
  • A discussion of the job description, at this stage, if not done so already you can issue the job description, you should cover – core duties, responsibilities, individual workstation location (including working from home, or hybrid where relevant), equipment, and training arrangements, etc.
  • It is imperative that you summarise the main Terms and Conditions of employment and working arrangements, these should cover at a minimum, the hours of work, salary, annual leave entitlement and holiday procedure for booking, sickness and absence reporting procedures, dress code, and standards, acceptable performance, and behaviour standards.
  • You should include equal opportunities training as part of your induction, this will set your expectations.
  • As part of your environment discussions, you should ensure you cover Health and Safety issues, these should cover safety hazards, safety rules, smoking policy, fire exits, fire alarm and drill, first aid kit, accident reporting procedures.
  • It is important to let your new starter know about the use of work equipment (including working from home/hybrid working), you should set out the procedures on using work equipment and facilities, this may be, for example, telephones, computers/laptops, e-mail, and the Internet, photocopiers.



How we can help you with our FREE Induction Checklist and more

We have a FREE Induction Checklist that covers all of the above, you can easily adapt this to suit the individual requirements of your organisation.

We advise that the induction be broken down into manageable areas, this may be over a period of one week, depending on the role, your organisation, and your operations.

If you would like a free copy of our Induction Checklist, then you can contact us your FREE copy will then be sent straight to your inbox.

Contact Us

Should you require any additional support, guidance or if you would like to speak to a member of the HR and You Ltd team on 0333 006 9489 or [email protected] about new starters in your business or any other matter then feel free to get in touch with us at any time, we are open 365/24 hours a day.




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