How much could Summer cost you?

Summer is apparently on the way we will probably see another hike in absence, reports show this happens when the suns shines.


Average absence is costing the UK economy £18 billion in lost productivity each year. This has been steadily increasing since 2011 – despite as previously witnessed a downward trend since 1993. A report by First Care (Astutis,  2019) suggest the cost will continue to rise to reach £21bn by 2020, increasing to a whopping £26bn by 2030.


So, what are the reasons for the increases.

Mental Health and associated absence has increased by 71.9% since 2011, and in the report  mental health issues impacted adults who fell within the 30-40 year the worst, this could be apportioned due to a result financial pressures and the demands of balancing work and family – as evidenced by the seasonality of mental health issues, which increase during summer months and Christmas holidays.


On there is also an impact on levels of absence from our ageing workforce,  Employees have musculoskeletal conditions that are impacting absence within the main bracket of 50-60 year olds, recuperation from surgery also rising from 0.63 to 0.84 days lost per employee. When we take a look, this equates to in excess of 1 year in lost productivity for a company employing 500 people.


The attitude of ‘Generation Z’ and attendance adds to compound the rise of these conditions. Within generation Z we see demand in an approach to flexibility and being independent in how they work, this is has become much more prevalent over and above salary and job security.


Data collected by FirstCare data includes  a 13% rise of employees leaving choosing to leave their employer after reaching the one-year anniversary. A rise can also be seen for part-time employees from 29.7% to 31.84% from 2009 to 2016.


I suppose the question here is how this can be managed in terms of monitoring and managing with these changes in the workforce.

A greater understanding is needed in terms of absence, for example do you know how much absence is costing you. Once you do, you can then break this down and identify who is affecting this and plan for the future.


Companies need to embrace Wellness policies, culture and inclusion, this can be achieved through understanding of conditions such as, Mental Health, Neurodiversity and others that are affecting absence, once there is understanding it can be possible to break down barriers.


Aging workforces, again understanding and embracing the challenges can be achieved, along with Generation Z, I make no excuses for mentioning the words Emotional Intelligence , I see this as being 2 words that have always been in existence , we just need to help managers understand them more and break down barriers.


So many Employees ask the question what about flexible working, working from home, is this something that is embraced or  frowned upon.


Finally, I move onto Policy, Procedure and Process, you cannot do any of the above without these, you need to manage people effectively, if you invest in your people, they will invest in you.


A robust Employee Handbook which has up to date information is key, a HR Consultant whom you can rely on is key, I offer effective HR solutions at the fraction of the cost you would pay for an in-house HR Employee.


Contact Fran for a no obligation chat:  07749407703 or email: [email protected]


Written By:

Fran Crossland

Director (HR Consultant)

HR and you Ltd

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